production dashboard haas Alarm 04-07-11Multi-DNC supports the Haas Machine Data Collection (MDC) feature by providing networking, DNC communications, machine monitoring and reporting, all from a single platform. With Haas ‘Setting 143’ enabled, Multi-DNC’s browser-based monitoring software, Multi-MDC™, provides real-time machine monitoring by automatically collecting machine output data to an MS-SQL database.  Real-time Dashboards and Production History Reports display shop floor manufacturing data including machine utilization, OEE, cycle, idle, alarm, spindle, machine downtime reasons, tool usage, setup, parts count, machine maintenance information and more.  In addition Multi-MDC will alert supervisors by text message and email for part count deviation and alarms.  

Multi-DNC offers Haas customers a complete solution for wired or wireless networking, DNC communications, machine monitoring and reporting.  “Multi-MDC detects alarm codes and their definitions and includes maintenance triggers you can set to decipher, monitor and report exactly what is going on with the machine.  Multi-MDC Alerts will send text messages or email notifications based on customized settings.  “In order for customers to truly manage their shop, reduce bottlenecks and maximize machine utilization, they need real-time access to accurate machine output data”, said Toni Novak, President of Spectrum CNC Technologies, Inc.  “Multi-MDC monitors and reports the Who, What, When, Where and Why so customers can answer the question – How do we improve our overall machine utilization?”

When Haas ‘Setting 143’ is enabled the control sends monitoring data through the RS-232 port to the Multi-DNC communications platform, which has been specially configured to read the Haas MDC data. Multi-DNC automatically turns off and then back on MDC output when downloading or uploading CNC programs through the RS-232 port. This feature provides single cable connectivity for networking, DNC communications, monitoring and reporting.

 In addition to Haas machine monitoring with ‘Setting 143’ enabled, the Multi-DNC solution also supports all legacy brand CNC controls.  Customers can implement a shop-wide initiative of networking, DNC communications, machine data collection, monitoring and reporting, regardless of age or mixed brands of CNC controls. 

Established in 1989 Spectrum CNC Technologies revolutionized the CNC machine tool industry with the first completely software based machine tool communications system, Multi-DNC.  For 24 years the Company has continued to develop innovative products and services to help machine shops and manufacturers be more productive. Hardware and software solutions include WiBox machine communications, Multi-DNC software, Machine Monitoring and Job BASE document management systems.  For more information contact Multi-DNC at 877.882.6362,